Metaphorically, Jerusalem and the temple are one and the same. If you are of Christ, then you are His temple and Jerusalem the apple of His eye. Split an apple in half to see the core issue).-Israel’s PM Netanyahu went to the Mount of Olives to fulfill the prophesies of Zech.14, Math 24, and lastly 2 Thess. 2. Just before Israel’s 2009 PM elections, Netanyahu went up on the Mount of Olives looked down on the dome of the rock, or where the temple once stood, and discussed Jerusalem’s division by the hand of Levni his rival. Upon the Mount of Olives Netanyahu stated if he were elected as the prime minister, he would “save” Jerusalem from the division ( Netanyahu on the Mount of Olives is acting like a savior to Jerusalem being divided. Netanyahu is mimicking the only true savior Jesus Christ in Zech.14). In Zech. 14, Jerusalem is being divided when our Lord Jesus Christ’s feet hit the Mount of Olives to ” save” Jerusalem from the division. Also in Math. 24, Jesus is up on the Mount of Olives looking down below on the temple building and discussing the temple or Jerusalem’s destruction. Christ goes on to say in Math.24:15, the Antichrist will stand where he ought not, in the temple. Understand, Jesus was the Temple for in John 2:19 Jesus referring to Himself said, “destroy this Temple”. So when Christ was on the Mount of Olives looking down below on the temple mount area and stating the Antichrist will stand were he ought not or where the “Temple” once stood, Christ was actually referring to Himself. Jesus Christ the Temple of God was up on the Mount of Olives referring to Himself when speaking of the temple down below. It was a mirroring effect! It was as if Christ up high on the Mount of Olives was looking down below into a mirror and seeing the Temple or a reflection of Himself! Hence, Christ the Temple of God was standing on the Mount of Olives prophesying of a day when the Antichrist will stand where Christ the Temple of God once stood, up on the Mount of Olives! The temple down below was merely a reflection of the true Temple up high, Jesus Christ. The Antichrist will stand where Jesus the Temple once stood not just down below, but up high on the Mount of Olives! -(In the book Christ is Coming the Antichrist is revealed, I wrote on Jacob who was to become the head of Israel. Jacob was a lier, deceiver and subplanter ( meaning the base of the foot or in essence the 10 toes/ ten horn kingdom of the beast) who portrayed the Antichrist before he received his name change to Israel. So Jacob represents both the ANTICHRIST and ISRAEL(or the church). Allow me to explain. Jeremiah 30:7 says concerning the endtime, “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of JACOB’S [Antichrist’s] trouble [tribulation] ; but he [who are we talking about here, JACOB or Israel] shall be saved out of it. The Bible speaks of the saints being persecuted by a beast who had a deadly wound to his head that was healed. This beast has 7 heads; one represents Babylon. A head full of gold because money is in control, and the woman who rides the beast has a name written upon her forehead “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” This means she leads the way in false worship. It is nothing but Babel! She is full of Babel until she is made naked(REV. 17,18). The scriptures also says concerning the beast and false worship, “Come out of her, my people.” The Antichrist and the church’s deadly wound will be healed (Rev.13, also see the boat video). In Numbers 21. Israel after being bitten on the ground by poisonous snakes had their ” DEADLY WOUND HEALED” by looking up high on a pole to an image of a brass serpent. The serpent was down below and the serpent was up high, mirroring a type of savior. Likewise, John 13 speaks of Jesus being on the earth as well as on high in heaven. In John 13 the Temple of God, the body of CHRIST, likened Himself unto the BRASS SERPENT ON THE POLE referring to His crucifixion and the “saving” plan for Israel in the endtime. You see, Israel must see itself and identify what has bitten it, in order to be healed. Like Israel in Numbers 21, the church needs to look to the ” WORD” THAT BIT US on the Antichrist. Understand, a prophetic word on the Antichrist came to the church, and Israel rejected it. Israel the church nailed that word to the cross because it wasn’t pretty to look at. Now the revealing of the Antichrist is and wiil be the saving message for the endtime. Israel was bitten by some snakes, a false word on the Antichrist was in the HOUSE. Now the church is going to have to recognize what bit it in order for their deadly wound to be healed. Rev.13 concerns the Antichrist and the head of Israel. It states, ” AND HIS DEADLY WOUND WAS HEALED.” Scripture speaks of the Antichrist’s tribulation, yet Israel shall be saved out of it if they look at what bit them.